The AHS team has extensive experience helping our clients maintain, purchase, and sell petroleum fueling facilities. Our staff is experienced in negotiating and implementing flexible, results-based work plans and remediation services to meet the requirements of state and federal regulations. Our staff of engineers, geologists, and scientists routinely conduct the following services:
- Assessments for petroleum and hazardous contaminants
- Soil, gas, sediment, groundwater, and surface water sampling/monitoring programs
- Contaminant plume delineation and modeling
- Field screening using geophysics, direct push, and other sampling techniques
- Natural attenuation monitoring (NAM)
- Remedial action system design, construction, and operation and maintenance
- Remedial alternatives screening analyses/feasibility studies
- Innovative in-situ remediation programs
- Tank removal, closure, and compliance inspections
- Source removal, including soil excavation and dewatering
- Remediation cost estimates and remedial action plans
- Soil vapor extraction
- Air sparging
- Bioremediation
- Soil venting
- Pump and treat